David’s Work

A Record of Results

David Trone’s values are shaped by his life experience — growing up on a struggling family farm until his father lost it to the bank, building a successful nationwide business from the ground up, and traveling across Maryland hearing from hardworking families about the challenges they face.

David only answers to the people of Maryland — and he’s never taken a nickel from PACs, lobbyists, or corporations. In Congress, these values guide his tireless efforts to deliver results. In the Senate, he’ll do the same.


Substance Use and Mental Health

Losing his nephew Ian, and hearing from families impacted by the addiction crisis highlighted the link between substance use, mental health, and the criminal justice system. 

David hit the ground running on day one and established himself as a leader on these issues, shifting the conversation around addiction as a disease, and providing real leadership to end the stigma around mental health and addiction issues and give more Americans the resources they need to overcome these crises. 

He’s taken on big pharma to hold them accountable for the deaths they’ve caused through the opioid epidemic.

In Congress, David has:

  • Launched the Bipartisan Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force, bringing together more than 140 Members of Congress from across the country. 26 of their bills became law in the 117th. Congress alone, eight of which were authored by Representative Trone.
  • Passed the State Opioid Response Grant Authorization Act, investing $8.75 billion over the next 5 years in the fight against substance use disorder in all 50 states.
  • Passed a bill to provide confidential mental health support to first responders.
  • Expanded the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program to include coverage for first responders who die as a result of suicide or are permanently disabled as a result of traumatic service-related experiences.
  • Led on the Excellence in Recovery Housing Act to develop new guidelines for best practices for recovery housing.
  • Introduced legislation to provide comprehensive mental health care to students.

But David knows there’s still work to be done. In the Senate, he will keep fighting to make real progress on Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health legislation.



As the son of a Cheverly, Maryland public school teacher, David has witnessed the value of a strong education first hand throughout his entire life. 

After taking out student loans for his graduate degree, he started a small business while in school to continue supporting his family. In Congress, he’s championed efforts to provide that same quality of education to students nationwide.

David has:

  • Worked with Senator Cardin to introduce legislation expanding the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future into a nationwide education initiative.
  • Provided millions in federal funding to higher education institutions in the 6th District for workforce development, STEM education, and campus development.
  • Wrote and passed legislation to provide Pell Grants to justice-impacted individuals.

As Senator, David will continue working to ensure the best access, quality, and affordability of education for our students.



David unequivocally believes that individuals should have the right to an abortion, and he believes that decisions about their health should be left between them and their doctors — not politicians.

While the right to abortion services are protected in Maryland, Abortion rights are under attack nationwide, and millions of people across the country still don’t have access to the reproductive care they need.

He’s worked to ensure Marylanders have access to the care they need, supporting the opening of a reproductive health clinic in Western Maryland, formerly an abortion desert, where thousands of individuals from Maryland and West Virginia were previously forced to travel for hours to get an abortion.

David is uniquely positioned to get legislation across the finish line and he proudly cast his vote in the House to codify Roe v. Wade into law. In the Senate, he’ll work to finish the job.



Some of David’s earliest memories are learning to fish on the Choptank River with his family. He knows that the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland’s waterways are more than just an essential part of our culture and our environment — they’re vital to our economy.

Climate change is an existential threat to our future and the most important issue of our time.

For too long – big oil and other polluters have blocked progress on climate change. But David Trone doesn’t take money from PACs, lobbyists, and corporations – instead, he spends his time fighting to hold them accountable for the damage they’ve caused and confronting climate change head on.

David voted to support President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda in Congress, helping to pass the Inflation Reduction Act that included record investments in renewable energy and fighting climate change. In the Senate, he’ll continue to champion environmental protection here and push for bold action on climate change – because our children can’t wait.


Jobs and Economic Development

Having started a small business and growing it into a nationwide retailer, David knows what it’s like to have to make payroll each week. 

He understands the difficulty of running a small business because he’s done it himself — and he has seen just how vital small businesses are to Maryland’s economy. As a progressive business leader, he banned asking about criminal history on job applications and provided same-sex partner benefits 20 years ago. 

David has:

  • Passed the Frederick Jobs Act into law to help the National Parks Service expand training programs in the region.
  • Passed the Finish the Appalachian Development Highway System Act as part of President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, bringing over $1 billion to Maryland’s roads to improve commerce.
  • Funded over $2 million for rural broadband expansion in Western Maryland.
  • Secured nearly $800 million dollars to repair Maryland’s roads and bridges.
  • Passed the Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan providing historic relief to working families.

In the Senate, he’ll work to break down economic, racial, and gender barriers for small business owners, eliminate the gender pay gap, and work with leaders across our state to attract new industry investment and grow our economy.


Criminal Justice Reform

At the beginning of his career, David was arrested by a corrupt Republican Attorney General and charged with 23 counts. Although he was exonerated of all charges, he saw firsthand how the systemically racist criminal justice system can railroad those without his advantages.

He knows the same is far from true for many Americans, especially people of color. While in Congress, David has fought to reform our broken criminal justice system.

David has:

  • Started the Trone Center for Justice and Equality at the ACLU, putting 45 lawyers and advocates to work fighting the injustices of our criminal justice system like mandatory minimums, cash bail, and the death penalty.
  • In Congress, founded the Congressional Second Chance Task Force, focused on reducing recidivism and improving reentry outcomes for justice-impacted individuals.
  • Passed legislation to ensure that pretrial detainees continue to receive the medical care they deserve, upholding their due process rights.

As Senator, David will continue fighting to fix our broken criminal justice system and champion legislation to help returning citizens have a meaningful second chance at building a better life for themselves.


Gun Violence

David Trone has a 0% rating from the NRA — and he wears it as a badge of honor.

The thoughts and prayers of politicians have done nothing to protect Americans from gun violence. Swift action from Congress will.

Common sense gun regulations save lives.

That’s why David was a supporter of H.R. 715, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, supports reinstating a nationwide assault weapons ban, and will fight in the Senate to pass background check requirements, enact red flag laws to close the boyfriend loophole, and keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers — all while rejecting special interest money from the gun lobby.

David was proud to help champion the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, signed into law in 2022 as the most significant gun reform legislation in a generation, which included common sense gun safety reforms and billions in mental health support.


Voting Rights

In the House chamber on January 6th, 2021, David saw firsthand how fragile our democracy can be — and just how essential it is that we uphold the accessibility of our elections and voting rights for every American.

In the Senate, he’ll fight every day until the full Voting Rights Act is restored.

He has also twice supported H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which would drastically expand voter access, reform campaign finance laws, and institute ethics reforms throughout the federal government.

David has also supported the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, named for the civil rights icon David had the honor of serving with – the bill would restore and revitalize the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


LGBTQI+ Rights

Defending LGBTQI+ rights is absolutely crucial. David firmly believes that equality is a bedrock principle and it must be extended to everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Extreme Republicans are resorting to demonizing the LGBTQI+ community for political gain. Their divisive rhetoric and hateful actions are inspiring hate crimes, and not only hurt the LGBTQI+ community but contribute to serious mental health and substance use issues. 

Ensuring equality for LGBTQI+ Americans is a central pillar of David’s work. He has: 

  • Founded Total Wine and More, a company that has offered partner benefits for more than 20 years.
  • Been a key member of the Equality Caucus in the House of Representatives.
  • Cosponsored the Equality Act in the 116th, 117th, and 118th Congress.
  • Cosponsored a resolution in support of transgender rights, raising awareness of the issues facing the transgender community, and celebrating the contributions of trans people.
  • Voted in favor of the Respect of Marriage Act to provide statutory protection for same-sex marriage in the wake of the Dobbs decision. 
  • Helped to secure $530,000 in Department of Homeland Security grants to develop violence prevention programs focused on LGBTQI+ youth in Montgomery County.

As Senator, David will always stand up to build a society where LGBTQI+ rights are protected, and everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live free from fear and discrimination.


Social Security and Medicare

Social Security is one of the most successful programs in American history, providing seniors with hard-earned benefits to support them as they age. But too often, politicians are afraid to talk about it — and even more afraid to take action to protect it.

David has always stood up for seniors, fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare, leading the charge to save seniors money by reducing the cost of vital medications, combat isolation during the pandemic, and invest in critical community resources in Congress.

He’s a champion of the Social Security 2100 Act to increase and expand 12 essential benefits, and voted for the Inflation Reduction Act which lowers prescription drug costs for people with Medicare. In the Senate, he’ll lead the fight to protect Social Security and Medicare.



Healthcare is a fundamental human right. It’s on our leaders to protect it.

David knows that healthcare is more than just a visit with your doctor. It’s access to life saving treatments for everything from cancer to mental health, reproductive care, and treatment for substance use disorder.

In Congress, David has fought to give every family affordable health care, and he’ll do the same in the Senate.



Right now, more than ever, immigration reform is critical. It’s not just about policy; it’s a reflection on our nation’s values of compassion and refuge. 

As a Congressman, David has taken action to fix our broken immigration system and treat all people with dignity and respect, regardless of immigration status.

  • Called on the Biden administration to terminate an immigration enforcement agreement between ICE and the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office in Maryland which has egregiously violated the civil rights of many and put Marylanders at risk.
  • Cosponsored the American Dream and Promise Act which would provide Dreamers the opportunity to apply for permanent legal status and eventually become eligible for U.S. citizenship.

As Senator, David will continue to fight for an achievable pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented people living in this country, end the abuses of immigration courts and unnecessary detention, and support those fleeing terror and violence.

Learn more about David’s work and plans for immigration reform, click here



The son of a Navy Quartermaster, David saw his father return from combat to a nation eager and ready to help. His father attended college on the GI Bill and was the first in his family to pursue higher education. Unfortunately, the same isn’t true today. Congress has fallen short in providing our veterans with the support they deserve. 

In the House, David supported crucial legislation to support our nation’s veterans. 

In Congress, David has: 

  • Led legislation to expand care provided to veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances; David’s FASTER Presumptions Act was a key piece of the historic Honoring Our PACT Act to improve healthcare access and funding for veterans exposed to toxic substances during their service.
  • Passed legislation to provide housing benefits for veterans who are completing their education.
  • Introduced legislation to prevent fraud against veterans’ benefits. 

In the Senate, David will continue to be a champion for those that served.


Federal Legalization of Marijuana

David Trone has spent more than two decades fighting for criminal justice reform – so he understands the damage that our nation’s broken drug laws have done.

Our society has moved from slavery to Jim Crow to mass incarceration, and the prohibition of marijuana has been used to imprison an unprecedented number of Black and Brown Americans.

In Congress, David proudly supported the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act when it came to the House floor for a vote last session because he understands that meaningful justice can’t exist if currently and formerly incarcerated individuals are still suffering from cannabis prohibition. As co-chair of the Second Chance Task Force in Congress, he has led on legislation – including the Fresh Start and Clean Slate Acts – to seal or expunge eligible arrest records and allow individuals who have served their time move forward in life.

In the Senate, David will lead the charge for fully funded expungement programs that will reduce our prison population and give more people a second chance. Additionally, he will advocate for the legalization and reclassification of cannabis, and work with entrepreneurs from impacted communities to develop federal programs that can guarantee equitable participation in the cannabis industry.


Labor Unions

In his 3 terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, David Trone has been an ally and advocate for labor unions and the workers they represent.
From fighting to elect pro-labor and pro-worker candidates up and down the ballot to picking up the phone to fight for collective bargaining agreements with some of the nation’s largest employers, David Trone has always stood tall for organized labor, and always will.

David is proud to be the only candidate for the United States Senate with a 100% pro-labor voting record in Congress, and in the Senate, he’ll continue to lead the fight for workers’ rights. To read more about David’s record of standing tall for labor unions, click here