Statement from David Trone on Larry Hogan Filing for United States Senate

Gaithersburg, Md. – Today, shortly before the deadline to file for Maryland’s May 14th primary, former Governor Larry Hogan filed his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. Hogan’s decision follows months of pressure from Mitch McConnell, extreme Republicans, and deep-pocketed special interest groups to join the race.

Trone, who has consistently led in polling on the race, leads Hogan in a hypothetical general election matchup 49-34 in an outside poll that shows Trone is the only Democratic candidate leading Hogan.

Statement from Congressman David Trone, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate:
“Larry Hogan’s candidacy is nothing but a desperate attempt to return Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump to power and give them the deciding vote to ban abortion nationwide, suppress votes across the country, and give massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.

“Marylanders are tired of empty promises from career politicians like Larry Hogan. During his time as governor, Larry Hogan neglected and failed the city of Baltimore, pushed for policies that kicked 200,000 Marylanders off the voter rolls, and cut backroom deals to benefit developers like himself at the expense of Maryland taxpayers. He talks about putting politics aside but spent his entire tenure as governor waging partisan attacks through bad policy.

“His decision to join hands and walk lockstep with the patron saint of voter suppression, Mitch McConnell, and the special interests he serves in the Senate isn’t surprising, and Maryland voters won’t be fooled.”
